Leo Knighton Tallarico is the host of Perspectives From The Sky. Leo has been a full-time professional astrologer, counselor of consciousness transformation, and spiritual guide for many years. He has called his work Spiritual Therapy Astrology.
Before his own transformational journey began, Leo was an insurance sales manager who hoped to make it as a professional singer. Then his friend and fellow sales manager Hans Dejong suggested he join him in owning and promoting an international meditation course called Silva Mind Control. Hans told him he needed to take the class to see if it suited him. This course was the trigger and catalyst for Leo’s transformation into his true life purpose. It was a class that moved him on all levels, away from his Chicago Catholic Italian-American life bubble. There were meditations for pain control, memory, releasing of societal and family programming, and positive visualization meditations for improving one’s health and life.
Leo decided to become involved with the Silva course and promoted it throughout the Midwest USA. From there, Leo was drawn to Astrology and Consciousness Transformation, as well as many other metaphysical subjects. While living in the Bay Area, California, Leo joined the Suicide Prevention of Alameda County in Berkeley as a Suicide Counselor. He later joined the Spiritual Emergence Network of Stan Grof, a network that looks at people who have been put in boxes of psychological disorder who were really in Spiritual Crisis.
Suicide Prevention and Spiritual Emergence Network helped Leo combine astrology and psychology as well as spiritual guidance for an individual’s transformation by seeing the planetary movements that were going on during these crisis times for people.
Leo built his astrology/counseling practice in the Bay Area California and taught psychological astrology at the City College of San Francisco. He has spoken at many venues, radio shows, and conferences while in the Bay Area.
Leo met his wife Deborah Knighton and, together, they were inspired to create the Spiritual Renaissance Center & newsletter in Santa Fe, NM. Leo also hosted his show Renaissance Radio Hour on public radio every week for 3 years. Leo and Deb and their son Tralon, left for Portland Maine in 2004, where they built the Spiritual Renaissance Center with 10-12 other practitioners. Leo’s counseling and astrology business took off while in Portland.Leo has recently moved to Sedona Arizona with his family, where he is dedicated to assisting others in transforming consciousness for the Age of Aquarius.
Leo has a weekly blog at www.spiritualtherapy.wordpress.com. In the blog, he predicted the Iraq War, the presidency of Barack Obama and the presidency of Donald Trump. In June 2001 he wrote an article called The Tower, which showed the Tower Card of Tarot with people leaping out of windows. In the article, he wrote that the USA would be in great turmoil that summer.
Discover more at Leo’s blog at www.spiritualtherapy.wordpress.com; leoknightontallarico.com and www.spiritualrenaissance.com